Sunday, June 2, 2013

Non-Scale Victory: Shannon Feels like a Rockstar!

I wanted to share a little non-scale victory.  My brother had a set wedding date for June 1st so I had been looking for dresses online – having order after order shipped to my house and nothing was really a “yes” dress.  Sometimes I’m so used to the old style of dresses (where it covered me up).  At the beginning of my journey I wanted to be covered, boxy dresses and my staple oversized t-shirts that came down to mid-thigh, etc. I then started gravitating towards wrap dresses because they looked better.  Well, fast forward 2 years I found 2 maxi dresses that fit me like a glove and truly made me feel like a rockstar.  Needless to say, I purchased both.  The dress I wore the wedding is similar to this one pictured but its black and white stripped.  3 years ago I would have NEVER purchased either of these dressed – I’d have fawned over them but went home empty handed.  Today I have the ability to grab something off a rack and go to try it on.

I’ve lost 190.6 pounds which is actually MORE than what I currently weigh!  Someone I know saw the photograph and said it looks like I jumped out of myself in the “now” photo.  I may not be at my goal weight, but I’m trudging towards that. It’s taken me 3-years to get where I am today and I will reach that finish line and maybe when I do I’ll find myself an even MORE amazing leopard dress!


  1. Congratulations! I want you to know that I've tried to comment so many times, but I cannot. The way the ads show up on your page, they completely block the ability to publish comments. You are doing AWESOME.

    1. Thank you! BTW thank you for letting me know about the ads -- I cannot see them as they don't show up since I'm the blog owner. I've rearranged the layout so hopefully that solves the commenting problem.
