Thursday, July 11, 2013

Extra Dessert Delights – Lemon Square

Extra has dabbled into a world of gum flavored as desserts.  Greatest food invention or thought process ever!  So many companies have the typical spearmint, mint, sweet gums, etc.  Ever since the Extra Dessert Delights started hitting shelves I’ve been purchasing every flavor I see.

The gums really do taste exactly what they are advertised as.  Out of all that I’ve tried (mint chocolate chip, apple pie, root beer float, etc.) this Lemon Square gum is by far the GREATEST flavor out.  If you like or love lemon, you’d love this.  It literally tastes just like a lemon square, which is mind boggling.  I’m a huge lemon fan and this gum certainly hits the “I want a dessert” nail on the head.  Plus with gum, since I can chew it, it allows me to say “no thanks” to other items I perhaps do not need to be eating when offered to me.  Whodathunk you could have a lemon square for practically no calories and no points plus values?

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