Friday, March 15, 2013

Believe in yourself & anything is possible

One very important thing I learned very early into my weight loss journey was that I had to believe in myself. If I didn't believe in me -- who else in their right mind would?  If I didn't care enough to believe I could do it, I would never be where I am today.  Even if you're struggling with "liking" yourself in the current stage you are in -- fake it 'til you make it.  You'll get there as long as you don't let negative thoughts, feelings, etc., get in the way and burden your path forward.

It's so very important to believe in yourself.  Belief in yourself will get you anywhere and everywhere - it can push you through a workout, it can push you across that finish line, it can assist in you losing 2 pounds in a week. It can get you through a birthday party NOT having any cake or if you do want cake a small sliver.  Belief in myself has made my journey SO much easier because I feel as though I am an unstoppable machine -- my views are set at that ultimate destination.

It's the second guessing, the excuses and the sheer inability to believe in yourself and your program that will keep you from finding success.  Not believing in yourself will push you into "cheat days" and not tracking and eventually giving up all together.  As I have said to many ... believe in you first and believe in the program because anything is possible as long as you believe.

Keep your head up and your mind right!

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