Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookies

My niece was spending the night and I made the "mistake" of shopping with my mother and niece at the same time. Knowing I'm a pumpkin aficionado my mother picked up a package of the Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookies to 'show' me them ... that's when my niece -- a miniature pumpkin aficionado - got all bright eyed and bushy tailed. I stated "No, not happening, put them back." That's when my niece (who's 5) said "That's okay, gramma, we can hide them from auntie." Attempt: Failed.  That's when the night turned into 'baking cookies with auntie Shannon' - which admittedly was fun and I'm glad to make cookies with her.
The package stated the pumpkin cookies had cream cheese flavored chips. The chips resemble white chocolate chips - but do have a bit of a cream cheese flavor to them. The easiest part, with little fingers, was the cookie dough comes in little pre-portioned sections making for easy baking and even portion sizes. All that was left for me to do was open the package, lay down a baking sheet and my niece broke up the cookie dough and layered it onto the tray. A few rearrangements and the cookies were into the oven for baking.
Since my oven cooks extremely fast, I lowered the oven temperature and cooked for a few minutes less and they came out perfectly. The edges were light brown, the bottoms were cooked, the cookies were soft yet had a slight bit of bite to them. Better yet they were a hit with my niece and my mother enjoyed them. I had one cookie. They're good ... they do have a chewy pumpkin flavor to them and the cream cheese bits add an extra boost of sweetness. Overall, they're truly not that bad and an enjoyable, different way to have pumpkin.
A serving is 1 cookie for 120 calories or 4 points plus values.

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