Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weight Watchers Mint Cookies & Cream Smoothie

I spotted this new Weight Watchers brand Mint Cookies & Cream Smoothie at my Weight Watchers meeting this week.  I gasped, grabbed a box and walked up to pay for it.  A few weeks back I took a sip of my boyfriends Shamrock Shake from McDonald’s and was in heaven (for a millisecond).  I’m not a huge lover of mint ice cream, but I do enjoy a subtle mint frozen treat here and there (Skinny Cow Mint Sandwiches, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, etc.).

Typically when I make a Weight Watchers smoothie I add ice cubes and frozen fruit (along with a banana) to the mixture.  With mint, your options are kind of limited, so I decided to just throw this in a blender with some water and a handful of ice cubes.  I blended it up, poured it into a cup and upon first sip was pleasantly surprised!  It was DELICIOUS and totally curbs any Shamrock Shake dreams.  Of course since I made it with water and ice cubes it was very thin – but I’m going to begin experimenting with this, adding in some (frozen) greek yogurt, maybe some fat free ice cream, etc.,  Anything to help make it a little thicker … perhaps even a cup of unsweetened almond milk.  But nonetheless it’s totally delicious and a great snack.  I find it’s extremely filling so it’s a nice filler.

Have you tried any of the Weight Watchers smoothies?


  1. I'm so glad you mentioned this - I saw it at my meeting this morning and couldn't pull out my wallet fast enough! I'm not a big McD's fan, but I used to LOVE Shamrock Shakes. So happy I'll be able to enjoy them again and stay on plan! Also, not sure if you're a "green" smoothie fan or not, but you *could* add spinach or kale or (an even better choice) frozen bananas to bulk up your shake. However, just straight-up looks kind of amazing!

    1. I've never added spinach or kale to a smoothie before -- I've had a spinach mango smoothie before (my friend made it) and it was good -- but it's not a craze I can really see myself getting into. I would have it once in a while -- but I prefer smoothies that are simple, filling and point friendly.

      If you do try the mint cookies & creme smoothie I hope you enjoy!

  2. A friend of mine gave me a packet of the mint cookies and cream and this morning I decided to make a smoothie after my workout. It was DELICIOUS! I added a 1/2 cup of 2% milk and a 1/2 cup of water along with some ice cubes. It definitely made the shake nice and think and very filling. I am going out to get these today!

    1. I'm going to have to try it with milk and water! Thanks for the tip!
