of all of the bubble up casseroles on the Emily Bites website, I will
say this is hands down my favorite one (the pizza casserole being my 2nd
favorite). This particular recipe is homey, cozy, delicious,
comforting, filling and an overall crowd pleaser.
classic Shannon fashion, I opted to omit the olive oil and instead of
sauteing my carrots to soften them, I used frozen peas and diced carrots
I picked up at the local grocery store. I figured it'd make putting the
dish together a lot easier since I was trying to get dinner prepped and
into the oven in a shorter amount of time. They cooked up perfectly
while the dish was in the oven without the need to saute. The chicken I
used was chicken breast I had cooked in the crock pot. I will say, in
the two instances I've made this, I find cutting the chicken into chunks
is a lot better than using shredded. On my second attempt making this,
my chicken was too hot when I was cutting it up and most if shredded.
The shredded chicken absorbs more of the gravy which leaves the end
result a little drier.

I personally find the
dish to be filling enough that one slice is all I need. There's no need
for a small side salad or even a piece of fruit to go along with the
meal. So far, all that have tried it have really enjoyed it as well.
A serving, 1/6th of the recipe, is 318 calories or 8 points plus values.