Monday, March 23, 2015

Vitalicious VitaEgg Turkey Sausage

I was sent a package containing a box of Vitalicious VitaEgg Turkey Sausage Sandwiches and I was quite intrigued to try them. I tend to sway away from pre-made breakfast items, preferring to make my own, but these were so good nutrition fact/points plus value wise that I was intrigued.

Heating the sandwiches up is a breeze, simply unwrap the sandwich from the plastic wrap, wrap it up in a paper towel and pop it in the microwave to cook per packaging directions. When done, I added some hot sauce to the sandwich and a squirt of ketchup and found it to be satisfying. This is one of the sandwiches that does not have cheese on it. I enjoy cheese on my breakfast sandwiches and didn't miss the absence of it

The texture is better than the texture of the vegetarian sausage sandwich which I had tried previously. This is more along the lines of what one would assume a microwaveable breakfast sandwich would be. The egg is decent in texture and doesn't dry out after a trip through the microwave. While the sausage has the classic sausage texture without being too chewy or hard. The only downside is it is a little plainer in flavor, which is why a little hot sauce, sriracha, salsa or even ketchup go a long way.

A sandwich is 140 calories or 3 points plus values.

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