Saturday, May 11, 2013

My journey in pictures

This is me during my journey in photographs. During the very beginning (and pre-WW) I wasn't a camera person, I avoided it almost like the plague because I never wanted to see myself.  I will update this as my journey continues!


 April 2015

July 2016 (w/ Regan Smith)


  1. You look great! I know how hard it is and you've done fabulous. Good luck on you journey.

  2. congrats on your journey!

  3. You look great! I hope you enjoy this Christmas season feeling amazing and celebrating your progress. Goodluck in the new year! Keep it up girl!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

    2. Don't give up Shannon. I am so glad you were brave enough just to begin your weight loss. Look at you now!! You are proud I know and you should be.

    3. Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words.

  4. You look amazing! Congratulations on the hard work and dedication to achieving your goals!

  5. You look amazing! Congratulations!!

  6. You are so inspiring!! You didn't give up and I'm going to try to follow your lead. Started WW last week...

    1. Thank you! I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Enjoy it

  7. I found you after a Google search of 'Chocolate Cherry Greek Yogurt", ha ha & wow, truly inspiring. You look beautiful. All though I am not on WW (calorie counter here), I love reading your reviews of products.

  8. Thank you so much for the inspiration! I googled "Cracker Barrel Weight Watchers Points Plus Values" and you came up. We are going there tomorrow night and I will have exactly the chicken dinner you had. Thank you so very much for sharing it!!! Hugs and Blessings, Diana

  9. Shannon, you look great. I found you while looking for something to do with a jar of Trader Joe's peanut satay sauce, which is marinating now I the refrigerator. I need to lose about 50 pounds myself. it's hard to imagine me accomplishing as much as you have.

  10. Thank you for sharing your story. You look great.

  11. Wow Shannon! You look great! Congratulations on your weight loss. I myself just started WW and would like to lose about 100 lbs. You are truly an inspiration.

  12. Great Job! I did WW in 2012 and was doing good, unfortunatly I stopped going to meetings and put it all back on plus some. Just started WW again and came across your blog. Very inspirational, thank you for sharing!

  13. I just started my journey with WW; I was looking for info on their shakes and you came up. Beautiful! Truly inspiring and amazing :) I will definitely comb through your blog for some recipes! Thank you for sharing.

  14. You are amazing! What an inspiration!
